Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wait, I Have to Study?

Being in India has been great, except that I totally forgot I needed to study. And do homework. Let me tell you that this has been a challenge. Something exciting did happen today though, I officially registered for my first semester of classes at Columbia! YAY!! I have registered for Theories of Counseling, School Counseling, Ethics in Counseling, and Foundations of Counseling. I am so excited I cannot wait for the fall! I only have 2 classes on Monday and 2 classes on Thursday, so we will see what I end up spending my time doing.

I have really enjoyed doing yoga here in India. I have been doing it every other morning, which I am happy with. Yesterday I did a shoulder stand. I was happy I could do it because I thought I would fail for sure. I hope I am able to continue doing yoga in New York, as long as I can afford it.

I have realized that four weeks is an incredibly long time to be in a foreign country. I think it would be different if we were traveling around, but three weeks in a tiny traveler town might give me cabin fever.  Today, I really want to go back to the US, but I hope it will be a fleeting feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brianna,

    Hang in there with the yoga. I just attended a trauma conference in Boston and they went on and on about how yoga changes the structure and function of the brain!! So even though it's not running it's very therapeutic and will help you with all the changes you are going through. Love your class schedule for next semester. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Stay safe, keep warm, and be very kind to yourself during your adventure.
